Conway Symphony Orchestra

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Under the Dome Music Recital

Jackie Lamar, retired UCA Professor of Music, is organizing an “Under the Dome” music recital at First

United Methodist Church of Conway on Sunday, September 29 at 3:00 p.m. The purpose of this recital is

to raise money to purchase music stands for Bellas Artes School in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Lamar taught at

Bellas Artes School in December of 2018, funded by a Partners of the Americas Grant, and observed that

the students had to use wooden music stands, many broken or not adjustable.

“Our Bolivian music students have contributed greatly to the culture of our orchestra and music

department,” said CSO conductor Israel Getzov. “We all have something to learn from the sharing of

different musical experiences and perspectives. But when we take the stage as one orchestra, we all

share the same goal: to share our love of music with our audience.”

The performers for this recital will be UCA music students from Bolivia. The recital is free and open to

the public, donations for the music stand project will be accepted, and refreshments will be served. First

United Methodist Church is located at 1610 Prince Street, Conway AR 72034. For questions, contact

Jackie Lamar at 501-327-3615 or